In our Careers + Trades unit, students will be learning about various industries and jobs with a focus on ethics, character, and identity. Our unit project this month is learning how to apply for a job. Students will learn about interviewing, filling out forms and applications, and write their own resume. There are multiple personality assessments and students are encouraged to learn more about who God has made them to be and how they can develop their skills and interests to help lead them towards a good fit. We do not focus heavily on the university being the only way to a career, and instead talk about how a career can be many things to different people (we even talk about the lifelong commitment of being a stay-at-home parent or homeschool parent). We incorporate real-life math daily as well as grammar connections that tie into what they are learning about. The lessons are written in such an engaging, fun manner that it is sure to pull in the whole family!
This unit is rich with beautiful illustrations, deep discussions (we don't shy away from anything), and seeped in God's Word. Come take a journey with us to learn about just a few of the many opportunities that stand before your children and speak life over who God made them to be.
What to buy? You can purchase a leveled bundle with one student notebook of your choice and the Teacher's Guide, or the full family bundle that includes all levels with the Teacher's Guide. If you have more than one child you are buying for, it is more economical to get the full bundle to re-use in the future with your kids at older levels. All digital bundles come as an instant download in PDF format for you to print at home.
How long are units designed to last? Each unit is designed to be 4-5 weeks. Our main units and most of our mini units include 20 lessons and can be done as a 4-day school week (lasting 5 weeks) or a 5-day school week (lasting 4 weeks) to offer flexibility. You're in control! Set a schedule that works best for your family and your pace will dictate how quickly you complete any given unit.