Our print Gather 'Round Student Record-Journal is a full-year record book that will help your student plan, organize their time, and more importantly, track their grades and credits for high school. It is undated so it can be started at any time and made to fit your student's life.
The printed version is printed on 32 lb. paper with a cardstock, glossy cover and spiral bound on the left. The digital version is priced a bit higher only because you are able to use it over and over again.
These are meant to be used by your student, though some families may choose to adapt it to use it themselves instead.
Here are a few areas we want to highlight from this record journal:
My Schedule
Use the My Schedule page to record weekly events like appointments, class times, music lessons, and even usual meal times to help you see at a glance where the bulk of your time should be spent and what you need to prepare for
Subject Resource Page
The Subject Resource page is for you to write down all the different books, videos, materials, and other supplemental resources you will need and use by subject. This is also helpful for you to see the subject study overview all in one place.
Subject Hourly Record
This is the heart of your book where you can log the time you spend on each subject and what you did! Remember to record time in extra reading, training, field trips, and of course, writing about this subject. There are blank subject pages if you need them for an elective such as Debate or Physical Education. You can also record your grades here too! Tips: write your time using abbreviations like 15 mins, 1 hr, etc. and use a stopwatch or a timer as you work in each subject jotting down the time in the top corner of your workbooks. You can then add the time on these pages, totalling up the time weekly, and again at the end of the quarter
Opportunities, awards, AND goals
At the end of your book is a place to record volunteer and leadership opportunities, plus any awards you receive. You can write down your goals and favorite scriptures here too. You can easily flip to the last page for the websites and contacts you access often.
This section will help you check off and keep track of your attendance.
Quarterly credit organizer and yearly GPA tool
This book has everything you need to sort your grades, organize your course credits, and even figure out your GPA. The back has an official transcript you can fill out as well.
What's included? This product will be printed on 32lb. paper and shipped to you coil bound.